What is Minor Rugby?
Tall or short, fast or not-so-fast, big or little, girl or boy – have fun playing co-ed Youth Flag Rugby, one of the world’s fastest growing team sports for kids! All players will learn the fundamentals of rugby, emphasizing safety & fun!
To learn more about minor rugby visit
To learn more about the national age grade law variations

Minor Rugby with the OIRC
Our minor program is based upon Rookie Rugby, the nationwide introductory rugby program for ages 5 to 12 that is a safe, fun, and inclusive non-contact sport to introduce children to rugby. Rookie Rugby is a game-based curriculum built on national guidelines for Health and Physical Education curriculum.
U6 & U8 - FUNdamentals
U10 - Learning to Train
U12 - Learning to Train - Introduction to Contact
The age bands for the 2024 season are as follows:
U6 (athletes born in 2018 and 2019)
U8 (athletes born in 2016 and 2017)
U10 (athletes born in 2014 and 2015)
U12 (athletes born in 2012 and 2013)

Regular Season Games
Minor players participate in Festivals. Festivals are tournaments where teams will play about 3-5 games in a day depending on their age category. Teams are from the Ottawa area, but sometimes from other parts of Ontario or Quebec. We are signed up to join other Eastern Ontario team festivals and host our own festival at Twin Elm Rugby Park each summer.
Players should dress for the weather: shorts, and running shoes or soccer cleats. Water bottles and sunscreen are also recommended. Mouthguards are not mandatory for U6 to U10 players because we will not be playing any contact but are still recommended. Mouthguards are mandatory for U12 players.

In-season practices will be held at Colonel By Highschool
(2381 Ogilvie Rd, Gloucester, ON K1J 7N4)
Practices will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.​
Stay tuned to our NEWS page for the 2024 start date. **Start date is pending on City of Ottawa**

If you are ready to register you can click below to get started!
Included with your registration you get:
Spring/Summer Outdoor practices ( 2 x week for all ages)
Minimum of five festivals within Eastern Ontario.
Rugby Canada/ Rugby Ontario trained and certified Coaches at all events
Rugby Canada insurance coverage and dues
Rugby Ontario dues
Ottawa Irish Rugby Club dues (including but not limited to – field rentals, field maintenance, coaching certifications & registrations, practice equipment, etc.
OIRC Training Shirt, shorts, and socks!
To join the best rugby club in the Eastern Ontario region

If you have any questions about minor rugby, please contact Ben Rogers, our minor director: