As we prepare for the Summer 2022 season we are offering Indoor Training Sessions at the RA Centre dome (2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa ON) for all Junior and Senior Mens and Women's players at 7 PM every Saturday.
Sessions are led by OIRC Technical Director and Men's head coach Marius Felix and focus on the skills needed to be successful in the upcoming 2022 Season.
In order to attend players must:
Be registered with the club (Register here:;
Complete the attestation for COVID-19 before attending the session on Sportlomo (;
and have their proof of vaccination QR code prepared, as well as photo ID to provide to the RA Centre staff upon arrival. (
All training activities will follow current Rugby Ontario return to play guidelines (
If you have any questions about the training, registration, or any cancellations/ schedule changes reach out to the club.